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Bottom Line Up Front (BLUF): Discover how a post-grad marketer found confidence and connection in just 5 days with StartUp Marketer (SUM). 

Author: Honor Goldberg

As a post-grad starting to begin my career in marketing, I felt like a deer caught in the incredibly competitive corporate headlights. Although my college degree had somewhat prepared me for the trials and tribulations ahead, there were resources I was missing that I needed to propel me into this next chapter. Upon further research I discovered StartUp Marketer (SUM), “the first marketing ecosystem designed to foster and fuel startup marketers.” Claiming to be the exact resource needed for post-grads by helping to bridge skill gaps through templates, courses, 1:1 learning, and offering access to insights and connections with industry experts and peers, I signed up to become a member.

I spent the next five days exploring the abundance of resources SUM offers, and here is how it went. 

Day 1: Getting Started

The moment I logged into SUM, I was immediately surprised by how welcoming and personal the platform felt. Instead of the typical setup process that usually lulls me to sleep, I was greeted by OSSUM, the octopus (SUM’s very cute mascot), and introduced to a thriving community of marketers right away. I was also prompted to add my interests, experience, and goals, ensuring that the platform could tailor connections and content to my specific needs as a startup marketer. After that, I was encouraged to introduce myself to the community, sparking immediate dialogue and building connections with fellow marketing professionals. It was a seamless way to start engaging with others in the industry. 

Like many post-graduates, I found the idea of introducing myself to a group of seasoned professionals a bit daunting and vulnerable. But before I even had a chance to post in the “Introduction” section, I was pleasantly surprised by several members reaching out to welcome me. Marketers from various backgrounds and experience levels extended a warm greeting, making me feel instantly connected and supported in this new community.

Day 2: Jumping into Job Searching 

As a post-grad diving headfirst into the job market, the pressure of finding a first-time marketing role was beyond overwhelming… That’s why I was thrilled to discover SUM has a space in their platform dedicated to helping startup marketers find their perfect job – it was exactly what I needed. After what felt like hundreds of hours on LinkedIn, sifting through job descriptions I knew I wouldn’t be considered for (we’ve all been there), it was so refreshing to see a space dedicated to marketing/PR positions for post grads with little to no job experience. 

The listings provided detailed descriptions of what each role entails, making it easier for me to identify positions where I could not only fit in but also make a real impact. Plus, the SUM community itself made the job hunt feel a lot less isolating. Being able to connect with fellow marketers who are in—or have been in—the same boat was incredibly reassuring. 

Day 3: Bridging Skill Gaps 

After yesterday’s discovery of new job offerings I could apply to, I thought a good next step would be to check out the courses space to see how I could improve my skill set and bulk up my resume. Becoming trained in specific skills such as search engine optimization tactics (SEO) and certified in marketing platforms such as HubSpot can set you apart from the average marketing applicant. 

Confidence is half of the battle when applying to jobs. Countless times I (or someone I know) have been limited by a lack of confidence while trying to push forward into this next chapter.

Taking SUM’s recommended marketing courses directly tackled the uncertainty I felt about whether I had the specific marketing skills employers were seeking. By learning in-demand skills like SEO and earning certifications in tools like HubSpot, I wasn’t just boosting my resume—I was solidifying my ability to stand out in a competitive job market and reassuring myself that I had what it takes to succeed. 

Day 4: Let’s Talk Tea Time 

Apparently, Tea Time isn’t just an afternoon activity for the royal family. It’s also a place in SUM’s platform where members can join in for a chat with marketers and public relations experts, picking their brains and gaining valuable insights. Unsure of what to expect, I decided to RSVP for the next Tea Time—and I’m so glad I did! I joined Allie Mills, the media relations manager at Workhuman and PRNEWS’ 2024 Rising Star, to gain knowledge on everything from the latest trends in public relations to effective corporate communication strategies. 

One of the highlights was being able to directly ask her for practical tips on improving media engagement (a skill I’ve been working on). While college courses teach you the fundamentals, it’s rare to learn from someone actively working in marketing/PR, and this Tea Time provided that opportunity I’d been missing. 

Day 5: Exploring Templates and Tech Stacks

On my fifth and final day of this journey, I decided to explore some of the less fun, yet important, resources SUM has to offer: the marketing templates. One of my worries as a post-grad with little experience in the marketing world is completing tasks exactly the way my employer would want them done. While it takes time to familiarize yourself with material and tasks in any new position, I wanted exposure to real marketing templates used in the field. 

In SUM’s Template and Tech Stack space, they provide downloadable templates and playbooks on material ranging from digital and content marketing, career development, Public Relations, Demand Generation, and every teeny tiny thing in between (this might have been the most impressive part). Nobody leaves college with over a hundred different templates, guides, and playbooks all organized for them in one place; it’s a game-changer that provides real-life marketing tools. 

To SUM It Up

As I reflect on the past five days I spent with SUM (and OSSUM, their Chief Marketing Octopus, of course), I’ve gained more than I could have imagined. From personalized connections with seasoned professionals to job search tools that actually fit my experience level, SUM has made the overwhelming post-grad journey feel not only manageable, but exciting. The courses bridged critical skill gaps and boosted my confidence, while Tea Time sessions allowed me to learn directly from industry experts. 

While I’ve only grazed the surface of what SUM has to offer, I’m excited to become an active member of this wonderful marketing community! If you’re ready to take your marketing skills to the next level and join a thriving community of professionals, click this link to explore StartUp Marketer’s platform. Not quite ready to bite the bullet? You can subscribe to their newsletter (it’s free) for the latest insights, resources, and updates directly to your inbox!

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